May 14, 2010, Newsletter Issue #204: Your Child at Four Years Old

Tip of the Week

This is a brief summary of what to expect for a four-year-old's development. If you have any specific concerns or questions, you should address those with your child's pediatrician.

Physical Development

walks backwards
jumps forward many times
walks up and down stairs
uses safety scissors
cuts on line
copies squares and crosses
prints a few capital letters
draws a person

Social Development

enjoys playing with other children
takes turns and shares
seeks out adult approval
understands and obeys simple rules
likes to talk and carries on conversations
understands jealousy
fears the dark and monsters
begins to understand danger
has difficulty separating make-believe from reality
feels anger and frustration and may still throw tantrums
enjoys pretending, creates imaginary playmates

Cognitive Development

groups and matches objects
organizes materials
asks "why" and "how"
tells own name and age
pays attention for longer periods of time
learns by watching and listening
shows awareness of past and present
follows a series of two to four directions
uses words out of context
points to and names colors
understands order and process
counts to five
knows the name of their street and town

Four year olds need at least 12 hours of sleep per day. Some children will still take a short nap in the afternoon, while others may have given up napping altogether. It is common for children this age to resist sleep, and to get out of bed at night with various excuses not to go to sleep.

Proper nutrition includes three meals a day, with two nutritious snacks. Limit high sugar and high fat foods, and encourage healthy choices of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and low fat dairy products.

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