Preparing Your Child to Go Back to School

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Preparing Your Child to Go Back to School

As July fades away, and August creeps in, it's time to start thinking about going back to school. No more staying up late, sleeping in, or spending the day at the pool or the beach. Here are some tips for helping your child adjust to the upcoming school schedule. Consider starting this process about two weeks before the first day of school.

  • Begin by putting him to bed 10-15 minutes earlier each day until he is going to bed at his normal bedtime during the school year.

  • Wake him up earlier each day to help him adjust so he is not groggy and tired for the first few days of school.

  • Many children have also grown accustomed to eating breakfast later and are not hungry right away in the morning. You can encourage his appetite by feeding dinner no later than 6pm and offering his favorite breakfast foods in the morning.

  • Set aside some time for review and academic activities each day to help him ease back into the school mindset. Most teachers use the first week back to school to review concepts taught the previous year and to introduce the students to the rules and expectations of the class.

  • If you have any specific concerns that you would like to address with your child's teacher, try to schedule an appointment with him or her this week. Teachers generally return to school a week before the students to set up their classrooms and attend staff meetings and workshops.

  • Be sure to purchase everything your child needs (uniform, books, school supplies, backpack, lunchbox, etc.). Most stores offer deep discounts on school supplies in the first few weeks of August. That is the time to purchase everything you need for the entire school year. If your child always loses his crayons or lunchbox, buying extra at the beginning of the year will save you a lot later on when supplies are back to their regular prices.

Preparing early will help alleviate stress and tension often associated with returning to school. Your child will be more successful if he is well-rested and prepared. Best of luck to you and your child for a fabulous first day!



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